Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A healthy diet for children

A parent is always concerned about the health of the child. Children are always fussy when it comes to eating nutritious food. They like eating junk foods like burgers, chocolates, ice creams and chips etc. Eating junk food will not be beneficial to the health but on the contrary will create a bad impact on the health. Children force their parents to get junk food. Mostly the parents agree to buy junk food for the child just to see him happy. Parents try to fulfill the child’s demands
without being concerned about the bad effects of eating junk food. Children may not know the consequences of eating junk food. It is the parent’s duty to alert them from such bad eating habits.

These days it is very common to see people who have wrong food habits. We can easily see the market filled with different types of junk food. Eating junk food has become a common lifestyle in today’s world. People, who rely on junk food, don’t posses a healthy life style and are thus victims of diseases. As the child is growing, it is essential to give him the right nutrients through right eating habits. If he lacks in nutrients through poor eating habits then this will act as an obstruction towards easy growth of the body. So parents should pay good attention to the child’s health by following the right food eating pattern.

Taking care of the child does not mean having a fat child or having an under weight child by reducing the required amount of diet in the child from fear of obesity. These are the two extreme cases of following a wrong health care pattern in a child. Essential nutrient’s, in the form of calcium etc should be given to the child in his growing period. To achieve this goal, they need to follow a diet health weight chart or nutrition chart plan. Your physician should be able to monitor your diet health plan schedule program. A pediatric will assist you by providing feedback towards your child’s eating habits and thus will prescribe a healthy diet which is needed for the child’s growth. Parents can certainly benefit from advice taken from a Pediatrician and nutritionists who play an important role in specifying a healthy meal plan for the child.

A dietician, strongly believes that by depriving a person from eating food, is not the right way to loose weight. When the person is back on its normal eating schedule, he is likely to eat more.

Parents can follow the below mentioned tips towards a healthy diet plan:

  1. Do not bring junk food at home.
  2. Replace chips with child crackers and peanut butter for children.
  3. Instead of dry fruits, you can give fruit roll – up.
  4. Develop a creative mind while preparing food. For example: You can mash the cauliflower or add cheese to broccoli and you can use ketchup with pinto beans.
  5. You can replace fat cookies with vanilla wafers, animal crackers, graham crackers and fig cookies.
  6. Instead of eating chips or crackers jack, you can use pretzels in your food.
source: http://www.helpfulhealthtips.com/how-to-follow-a-healthy-diet-for-children/

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